PCWP Fall Boat Ride Sunday, October 6, 2019


Tailgate Army vs Morgan State September 21, 2019


2022 Picnic at Round Pond

2022 March Back

Celebrating Graduating Firsties 2023, The Thayer,

L-R Tyler Gregory with mom and dad, Ryan DiCaprio with mom and dad, Noah Watkins and mom, Nathan Vowinkel and mom

Round Pond Picnic, August 2021

2023 New Cadet Welcome Picnic, Round Pond, NY

2023 Hudson River Kayak Trip

2023 Welcome Back Picnic at Round Pond

2023 Tailgate

Winter Ball 2024 at West Point Club

Rex Young, 2024 Parents Valerie and James

Paul Bruce with parents Stephen and Susan

Sofia Mottura with parents Silvina and Sergio Mottura

Maximus Marchi with parents Sheri and Nick Marchi

Firstie Patrick Perosi

Class of 2024

Boodle Box Packing 2024

LTC Ouimet sharing information with parents

We pack Boodle Boxes

Sheri Marchi - Our Boodle Box Queen and organizer! Thank you !